Bettina Gray has keynoted, lectured on world religions, interfaith dialogue, and global security in North America, Europe, India, Korea and Australia and acted as a consultant to the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue and the World Council of Churches on interfaith relations. She is co-founder and former chair of the North American Interfaith Network and interview host of the landmark PBS series, A Parliament of Souls.
Nominated for Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award, 2023
Consultant in Communications and Interfaith Relations for the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue, 2018-2019
Guest Lecturer: University of California, Berkeley: "Religions, Peace and Conflict," 2008, 2009, 2015
Chair of Board 2008-2012, North American Interfaith Network (NAIN).
Interfaith Visionary Award, October 19, 2010, Temple of Understanding, New York, NY
Keynote Speaker, Edmonton Interfaith Centre, Annual Interfaith Dinner, March 7, 2010, Edmonton, Canada
North American Interfaith Network (NAIN), Co-founder and Board of Directors, 1986 to present.
Guest Lecturer: University of California, Berkeley: "Golden Rules and the World’s Religions" 2006-2010.
Visiting Scholar: Religions and Global Security, Women's Leadership Institute, Mills College, Oakland, California 2003-2005
Consultant, World Council of Churches, 6th Willem Visser t'Hooft Consultation: Religions, Power and Violence, June, 2004
Keynote Speaker, Multifaith Council of N. W. Ohio, Islamic Center, Toledo, Ohio, 2004, "Communication, Community and Commitment,"
Presenter, World Association of Christian Communicators, Vancouver, BC, 2004
Press credential coverage of UN Millennium Peace Summit (spiritual leaders at the UN) 2000.
Presenter, "Future of Religions," national telecast and web cast presentation to the International Conference of Deans of Episcopal Cathedrals, 1997.
Guest Lecturer: History of Interfaith Dialogue, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California 1998, 2000.
Interviews and discussion moderator, 7th World Religions Congress, New Delhi, India, 1994.
Consultant with educators regarding California Social Studies Framework--Teaching about Religion in the Public Schools, 1990.
Consultant to World Council of Churches, Geneva Switzerland, on inter-religious relations and new religions, 1985.
President, Berkeley Area Interfaith Council, 1978-1980.
Author: Survey of Interfaith /Inter-religious Councils in the United States , sponsored by the National Association of Ecumenical Staff (National Council of Churches), 1980.
Contributor: study on the new religions The Hill Report, conducted for the Attorney General of Canada by sociologist Daniel Hill, 1979-80.
Interfaith relations at the local and regional level, moderator for a workshop for National Council of Churches in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 1978.
"Media Responsiveness to Religious Diversity," presentation to annual Federal Communications Programming Review, San Francisco, 1981.
Mediation and conflict resolution at the request of the British and Australian Consulates related to family alienations and student conversions to new religious movements while traveling abroad in the United States.
"Inter-religious Dialogue, the Possibilities and the Problems," contributor -- report to the Nairobi meeting of the World Council of Churches in 1975.
CONTACT: bbgray AT
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